Hey Everyone!
As I am sitting here at work it dawned on me that I have been COMPLETELY neglecting this blog. I am actually pretty disappointed in myself because I wanted so badly to stay on top of this and update as much as possible. I've been really busy with work and school and my boyfriend has been on weird shifts at work. By the time I get home from class, I have about 45 minutes to spend with him before he goes to work on 3rd shift and I pass out very shortly after he leaves.
But none the less, I will have A LOT of time on my hands this weekend to get this updated with pictures and some product reviews. I went shopping 2 weeks ago and will be posting my shopping trip. I will also be making a couple videos to be uploaded to my YouTube channel! (Yes, I am FINALLY going to pull my balls out of my purse and get over my fear of the camera =) )
For anyone who has visited this blog, or if you are new, please know that I will be doing a ton of updating this weekend and on a regular basis from now on. I am nearing the end of my semester at school and things are starting to wind down a bit which will allow me more time for blogging and videos!
Thanks for visiting everyone and have a GREAT DAY!!!!