Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tarte Wanderlust LipSurgence Set - QVC Exlusive

My fiance and I are really laid back people.  Most Friday nights we spend our time at home in our pajamas, watching TV, and unwinding from the past week.  Sometimes Jay (my fiance) will fall asleep leaving me to browse the television for something to watch.  Lately I have been gravitating towards the Friday Night Beauty segment on QVC.  A couple of weeks ago they had a 2 hour special on and one of the items available was the Tarte Wanderlust 5 piece LipSurgene Set.  

The set comes with 5 full size LipSurgence (2 Lip Creme, 2 Lip Luster, & 1 Lip Tint).  I held off on the other Tarte LipSurgence set with the 8 minis because I love my full size products.  Individually these retail for $24.00 each...I was able to snag mine on QVC for $34.72.  That price was exclusively for the night they ran the segment.  However, the set is still available on QVC's website for only $42.00.  You are getting $120.00 worth of products for only $ can't beat this deal.  And if you are like me, a true Tarte addict, you know what an amazing buy this set is.  And they were nice enough to throw in a sample of the Tarte BB tinted treatment, which included 4 different samples in different shades. 

Left to right:  Miracle, Heartfelt, Dashing, Kind, & Festive

I am so happy with the range of colors in this set and the different finishes.  There is a coral, pinks, plum, and gorgeous red.  They are all buttery and smooth and have the classic peppermint scent and come in the cute holiday packaging with the gold tops/lids.  If you are interested in checking out the set or purchasing it, I have included the link below to QVC for this item.  

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